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When we talk about the family, what is important is its continual growth and the ability to meet the challenges that arise at each stage of its life cycle.


As a result, the family acquires new skills that help it move to the next level of the life stage. The good news is that even if you don’t get the skills you need, you can still move on to the next phase of development.


Keeping the family together after 14 years of marriage
Keeping the family together after 14 years of marriage
This is one of the most difficult stages in the development of a family. It often coincides with a reassessment of the couple’s values. For the first child, it is the teenage years, which puts its own imprint on family relationships. The family’s main goal during this time is to...
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First child and keeping the family together
First child and keeping the family together
This stage is defined by the appearance of the first child in the family. Most often, all the unresolved issues at the first stage arise at the second stage of the relationship. It is not easy for many families.To move from a dyadic to a triadic relationship with a new family member, it’s...
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